Intro E&M with Calculus Textbook

   I wrote The Little Textbook of Electricity and Magnetism for use in Princeton University’s Physics 104, the second semester of a calculus-based introductory course.  As described in its introduction, the book was inspired by Dan Marlow's book, written for the first semester which covered mechanics.  

  The goal was to have a book that covered the essentials without the elaborate "enrichment" that ballooned into massive, expensive books that everybody had to buy and nobody read.  The result is a book with ~10-page chapters that is available for free I anticipate that Dan Marlow's book will be available in this fashion as well.

For students:

  You are welcome to download the Little Textbook (LTB) and use it in your studies.  Note that your course may cover topics not covered in our course, and vice versa.  If you are assigned a 7-pound, $150 textbook, you probably should buy it.  In that case you can use the LTB for a quick intro to the topics.

   If you do use the LTB, please give me your feedback by filling out this form.

For instructors:

  You are welcome to download the pdf and make it available to your students for free.  Please let me know if you try it and what your experience with it is by filling out this form.  

  If you want to tinker with it to make it more suitable for your course, please fill out this form and I will send you the LaTeX source.  Note: the form will ask you to acknowledge the Creative Commons license linked in the next paragraph, so you should have a look at that.  Note also that I have yet to assemble the source for distribution, so I'll need a bit of lead-time.

  Under the Creative Commons CC-BY-NC-SA license, you are free to copy and redistribute the LTB for non-commercial purposes, that is, you may not charge for it.  You must credit the original source, that is, me.  You are free to make changes.  If you make changes, you are still bound by the attribution rules and you may distribute it only under the same Creative Commons license.