Peter Meyers

In Brief


I am a recently-retired experimental physicist in the field of Elementary Particle Physics, also known as High-Energy Physics.  By luck, my career exactly spanned the development and experimental testing of the Standard Model of particle physics, a huge advance in our understanding of the sub-atomic world.

I have studied the quark structure of protons and neutrons, looked for (and found) extremely rare decays of an elementary particle called a Kaon, looked for (and not found) a heavy version of the nearly-massless neutrino, and looked for (and not found) particles suggested to be the Dark Matter that seems to be the overwhelming majority of the mass in the universe.

It’s been quite a ride!

I have also gotten great satisfaction in teaching, primarily undergraduates.  To this end, I have written an introductory Electricity and Magnetism (with calculus) textbook that is concise (~10 pages per week) and free.

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